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Classical Composer: Donizetti, Gaetano
Lyricist: Cammarano, Salvadore
Work: Roberto Devereux
Year Composed: 1837
Instrumentation:  [2+1,2,2,2] – [4,2,3,0] – [timp,perc] – [str], vocal soloists
Publisher: Ricordi
Duration: 01:05:00
Period:  Romantic
Work Category:  Opera

Work Information

Available Recording(s)

Roberto Devereux was the third and last opera of Donizetti's to feature Queen Elizabeth I, the others being Elisabetta al castello di Kenilworth (Naples, 1829) and Maria Stuarda (Milan, 1835). The libretto was by Salvatore Cammarano, the resident poet and stage director for the Neapolitan opera houses. While Donizetti was in Naples he used no other collaborator, even for commissions from Venice. Cammarano was a skilled dramatist, but he played fast and loose with English history. Just as, in Lucia, it is a surprise to find that William III has predeceased Queen Mary, so in Roberto Devereux Queen Elizabeth appears to abdicate in favour of 'Giacomo' (James VI of Scotland, who did indeed become James I of England, but after Elizabeth's death).


Act 1

Scene 1: The great hall in the Palace of Westminster

There is no overture (though Donizetti did write one for the Paris production in 1838, anachronistically incorporating 'God save the Queen'). The ladies of the court comment on the unhappiness of Sara, the Duchess of Nottingham. Sara pretends that her sadness is due to the book she is reading about Rosamond, the mistress of Henry II.

In her 'romanza', she contrasts her fate with Rosamond's.

Queen Elizabeth enters and the ladies retire to the back. Robert Devereux, the Earl of Essex, has been recalled from Ireland, accused of treason. Elizabeth is fearful of a different kind of betrayal: that Essex loves another woman. Sara trembles with fear.

Elizabeth sings of Robert's love, and of her misery should his heart no longer be hers.

Lord Cecil, Sir Walter Raleigh and others enter. Elizabeth deflects Cecil's reminder that Parliament has the right to pronounce judgment on Essex, and acquiesces to the latter's request for an audience. Provided he loves her, she tells herself, he is innocent of any charge.

Essex enters. Tellingly, Elizabeth greets him first as 'Roberto', then as 'Conte'. Dismissing the courtiers, she questions him about the accusation of treason. Reassured by his answer, she then reminds him of the ring that she gave him: if he is in trouble he should send it to her.

Elizabeth reflects on her earlier happiness, before trying to force Essex to admit that he is in love with another woman. He denies it once ...

... and a second time. Elizabeth leaves.

The Duke of Nottingham enters. He is the friend of Essex as well as Sara's husband. Their conversation moves swiftly to Nottingham's unhappiness. The day before, unseen, he had watched Sara weeping and praying for death as she embroidered a blue scarf.

Nottingham suffered pangs of jealousy, but now believes that angels like his wife are incapable of sin.

On behalf of the Queen, Cecil summons Nottingham to a meeting of the Council. Soft chords in a distant key accompany his sinister explanation: 'A sentence put off for too long.' A simple phrase on the woodwind introduces Nottingham's assurances to Essex of friendship and support.

Scene 2: The apartments of the Duchess in Nottingham House

Sara is alone. Essex enters and reproaches her for having married. She miserably explains that her father died while Essex was away, whereupon the Queen obliged her to marry Nottingham. Essex affirms his love for Sara by flinging the Queen's ring onto the table: an unwise gesture, as it turns out.

Under pressure from Sara, Essex agrees to escape abroad.

They part for ever, but not before Sara has given him the blue scarf: another bad move.

Act 2

The Palace of Westminster

Dawn has broken. Essex has not escaped. The lords and ladies discuss the trial and foretell his execution.

Cecil informs Elizabeth that, despite Nottingham's vigorous defense, Essex has been sentenced to death. In private, Raleigh tells her that Essex did not return home till dawn. Concealed on his body was the blue scarf, which Raleigh produces. Elizabeth is immediately suspicious.

As Raleigh leaves, Nottingham enters with the death warrant. He begs for mercy on behalf of his friend. Elizabeth is adamant that Essex should die.

Essex is brought in, under guard. Elizabeth shows him the scarf as evidence of his perfidy. Nottingham recognizes it, and is appalled. The action freezes as all three take in the situation ...

... but explodes as Nottingham demands a sword for vengeance. Elizabeth mistakes the reason for his rage; she tells Essex that he will be spared if he names her rival. When he refuses, she signals for the courtiers to enter, and signs the death warrant. She dismisses Essex in a phrase that rises like a rocket, becoming even more intense when the key moves from minor to major.

Act 3

Scene 1: The apartments of the Duchess

The act opens with the orchestra recalling Nottingham's 'friendship' aria in Act 1. A soldier brings Sara a letter from Essex, begging her to save him by returning the ring to the Queen. Before she can act, Nottingham enters and demands to see the letter.

While Nottingham rages, Sara asserts her innocence. Nottingham is exultant as the sound of a funeral march indicates that Essex is being led to the Tower. To prevent Sara from running to the Queen, he gives orders that she is not to leave the house.

Sara pleads with her husband, in vain.

Scene 2: The condemned cell in the Tower of London.

A sombre orchestral introduction sets the scene. Essex - pessimistic one moment, optimistic the next - wishes only to clear Sara's reputation.

Essex swears to the absent Nottingham that his wife is chaste.

The sound of footsteps and of a lock turning signal a reprieve, or so Essex thinks; but the guards have come to escort him to his execution. His breast bathed in tears, stained with his blood, Essex in heaven will beseech God to help his beloved. The guards promise him the cruellest of deaths.

Scene 3: The Palace of Westminster

Elizabeth is with her ladies. She has sent for Sara to comfort her while, no longer angry, she desperately waits for Essex to send her the ring.

Through her tears, Elizabeth thinks of Essex living on with her rival, while she herself is abandoned.

Cecil reports that Essex is on his way to the scaffold. Sara rushes in with the ring. At last, Elizabeth realizes that it is Sara whom Essex loves. But it is too late to save him. A cannon shot is heard as Nottingham, 'with ferocious joy', announces that Essex is dead. He proclaims his responsibility for preventing Sara from reaching the Queen in time.

As Nottingham and Sara are led away, Elizabeth has a vision of the headless Essex. She will reign no longer: James is now the King of England.

Writer: Richard Lawrence

Recording(s) for Roberto Devereux:
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