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Home > HAITINK, Bernard: Philips Years (The) > Piano Concerto No. 2 in A Major, S125/R456
Classical Composer: Liszt, Franz
Work: Piano Concerto No. 2 in A Major, S125/R456
Year Composed: 1861
Instrumentation:  3d1, 2, 2, 2 - 2, 2, 3, 1, timp, perc, str, [solo piano]
Publishers: Edwin F. Kalmus
Schott Music
G. Schirmer, Inc.
The Edwin A. Fleisher Music Collection
Breitkopf & Härtel
Duration: 00:21:00
Period:  Romantic
Work Category:  Concerto

Work Information

Available Recording(s)

Liszt wrote his Piano Concerto No. 2 in A major in 1839 and revised it during the Weimar years. It was published in 1863. Liszt had conducted the work in public for the first time in Weimar in 1857 with his pupil Hans von Bronsart as soloist.

Structurally, the concerto is in one continuous movement. Two thematic elements are presented in the opening Adagio, the first heard at the outset from the clarinets and the second with sharply marked accompanying figuration. A descending display of chromatic octaves leads to the B flat minor Allegro agitato assai, which introduces third and fourth thematic elements, the latter offered emphatically by the strings, reinforced by the bassoons. A brief cadenza leads to an E major section, marked Allegro moderato, which opens with the fourth theme now transformed, with the direction dolce espressivo. Here, the first theme is heard again from a solo cello and the piano introduces a fifth theme, marked con abbandono. A brilliant cadenza is followed by a D flat major Allegro deciso, in which the fourth theme can be heard in another transformation, accompanying a metamorphosis of the second theme. The first theme undergoes a further transformation into a march in the final Marziale in A major, capped by the concluding Allegro animato, with its glissandi and stretto, providing a triumphant ending.

Writer: Keith Anderson

Recording(s) for Piano Concerto No. 2 in A Major, S125/R456:
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